Sunday, September 30, 2007


Idea #3

New Ideas

This is really corny. But, i think the poster could look really cool so i thought of "Vote for Ewe." Meaning vote for yourself - your enviroment, rights, and so forth because all these things effect each one of us. I think from that perspective someone would be more encouraged to vote rather than thinking they are just supporting some politician. It'sooo chessy though.

We'll see. what do you think?

(I drew this ewe and plan on hand drawing type that will look like fur once placed inside the body. The type might have the date and issues that are at stake this election that all pertain to ewe.)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just very rough ideas

I've been trying do some rough sketches on illustrator since my personal pen sketches portray little information to anyone else. (there are a couple posted below though) I know there are a lot of things off or uncool on these. Just presenting concepts.

Image: This is a stand in from google but my roommate works at a day care where i could get my own photo taken. Maybe something a bit less generic.

Idea #2

maybe "When you don't vote you put your rights behind bars instead."


Other Ideas...Sketches!

One is a shot of mostly my computer screen with part of my work for the poster being shown...specifically the word VOTE IN 08' though. I'm passed out near it and the slogan is..."I pulled an all nighter making this poster just so you would vote" I may hand write that part to, or draw the type. I dunno, could be funny.

The second one is someone opening a fortune cookie and on the paper says "Future looks bright. Thank you for voting. Or..."the future is uncertain if you don't vote." Maybe simply - "Please vote in 08' ". We shall see. There will be real comps of these up tomorrow night after i work.



well, i looked through the AIGA archives. I don't really dig a lot of the ones I saw, not to say i could do better, but there were at least a couple that caught my eye.

This is one:

I can think of so many ideas that would communicate something through a single awesome photograph, but these ideas don't envolve type. I'll say it's definietly a challenged for me to think that way. I guess that's why I'm in school. So, back to work.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I like transparency.

This looks fifty times better printed.I've kind of had it with color inconsistancies right now. =-!

Color Forecast

Go to this site for the color forecast until 2009 - just like Stan was talking about.

Oh, and this website art + graphics

(This is cool, but please leave comments on the new poster below!)

>>Resist Today


So, this third one is what i think looks best...the blue splotch doesn't curve behind the red one and i think that's less distracting. What do you think? There are only tiny differences between these all.Sorry to confuse.

So, this is the new idea. I have one more to try. This fits with my logo. I'm going to try it with different shades and hues. But for now, let me know what you think? Any one part too distracting? Don't think about it too hard! hehe.

Monday, September 24, 2007

CD Art

I was asked by a friend of mine to help design her CD Art. Anna Kramer, a local artist, wanted to direct the art but use me for layout, suggestions, and physical labor to create the piece. This is an adaptation of an old beach boys album Anna liked. I thought people might like to see the template that the distributor sent me as well.

FT design covers

These are my layout ideas for Jeff's Magazine Re-design. My Magazine is Fortean Times:The World of Strange Phenomena.


Parusing on Myspace one night i found this and i absolutely cannot stop studying how wonderful the composition, colors, and concepts are.

While looking for a "paranormal" photograph on google as a stand in photo for mock Fortean Times covers i found this...what a nice piece of design! If only i had thought of this!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I don't like that poster below. I have some better ideas and well, it's thursday. Hopefully i can spend every waking hour making these new and hopefully better ideas work. I also hope stan can help me via e-mail on things that don't work so i can get it printed and finished by sunday night! My sketches look like nothing to anyone but me. Maybe i'll make them more detailed and scan them.

But here is the revision of my logo that i like more. Comments! Do you like it better?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dad's Business Card

My dad is a scuba instructor...this is his upcoming card. It aight.I have to start using some other color than powder blue for everything!I'll get on posting some color combos i like for further use. P.s. I hated the color blue for nearly twelev years of my life...i guess hate is love.

Inspired by Unicorns and Rainbows...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Let me know what you like, if you do!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Work Space

One of my favorite foundation art class pieces. Assignment: make a conceptual piece from found objects. I call it the "AK Furry 7"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Fortean Times Logo Sketches

The Current Logo

Martha Stewart Takes Over Art College

So let's be real. I just like the pattern. This is not a good logo for anything but martha stewarts bathroom collection.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

More Logos

If anyone wants to leave feedback i'd always lurve it.

Mm. Not feeling so good about these. Maybe i'll feel different tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ernest G. Welch Logo Sketches

Please Leave Feedback!!!

This is a 2-D color theory assignment i scanned in, and cropped down so that it was more simple. This was originally a painting of 24 green squares i did in which we experimented with saturation and hue. Anyway, it turned out to look like a building with a door although the white space is actually just a very light hue of on of the original green squares so it's more of an illusion that it's white. I thought this represented the concrete, blocky landscape Georgia State exists in. I also think the shades of color represent fine art, diversity, and the painting texture gives it a more grass roots feel which i relate to the comparative accessibility of Georgia State - in other words, it's a cheap and open minded community.


Below are just some rough sketches and first ideas. I used the paint brush in illustrator to make the typeface. (Click on them for larger images!)

Check It - Reference

The design firm of Atlanta.


Check Out "Design Stories" for Iconologic

Right Here

Another Good Reference...

AIGA Design Archives

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stuff I've Done 2006-2007

Brochure for Living Tree Paper Company

Initials Logo

Poster Design for a Local Play

New Brand/Identity for recycled paper company

New book design for Gabriel Garcia's One Hundred Years of Solitude

Sunday, September 2, 2007

What I saw at Breather

Lars Spuybroek Official Site



This tower, and public art, responds by color to either love, hate, sadness, or happiness depending on which emotion is being experienced the most in the netherlands

Lars is one of the artists who spoke at breather. I'm not sure his website is the best way to understand his art but I think he's a pretty big deal and does some incredible things. I unfortunatley had to give him a ride to his hotel in my beat up honda with a window missing - on a rainy day of course. Either way, he's super nice and you should check him out.

The art director for iconologic showed up as well and talked about the process he went through in forming the identiy for the olympics last time in Italy. He had a lot of good advice for forming ideas and how to pace yourself for a design project.

>>Iconologic: Design Stories