Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007


the box is still pretty decrotive. This tag reflects the box and doesn't distract from the bottle. if only i'd gotten a tiny silver transfere for the name on tag! Wish my ideas would have come sooner! Box is pretty much done. I just have to edit some things put on the tags and relabel the bottle with a fresh transfere. Oh boy.

This is the gaurantee of contents label that i used from the cigar box. The type is based soley off the style of the label i have while i changed the images to vineyard photos and some of the design elements.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm probably going with the gold. This was my second attempt at a practice label so i left it on so i could see what it would like as i built my box and manhandeling it during the process wouldn't matter since it's just a trial (the e is missing on the other side cause it fell off). I do like the silver though.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

website up

My first website is up. I did this for Agnes Scott. It's simple, but it's a photography site also, so it needed to be. The show is about the power of black and white photography so it's also all black and white.


***Let me know if this page looks funny at all on your browser/computer. As you'll soon find out making every browser, PC vs. mac,and year of computer happy is nearly impossible and really heartbreaking work. Right now the tabs at the top right are not meeting the wrap correctly on my mac but not on the PC and the MAC I worked on at Agnes Scott. I will be fixing this over the next month and all the other design things that are wrong on certain browsers.

box idea

Monday, November 19, 2007

is it coming?

Thanks for the nice comments Jerimiah and Gaye. They did help. For everyone - please leave comments if you feel so inspired! I wonder if people like the gold or silver better.

In desperation for inspiration i bought the forty dollar design annual by Print Magazine. The same one i got for about six dollars when i was a member last year...i will never bail out on subscribing again. In contrary to other opinions, which i can respect, i think there are some really beautiful and clever designs this year. Not wine bottles, but other things.

I sent my label off to Feron today. I guess I'll get it by Wednesday or Friday apparently. I really need it by Wednesday in order to know what i want my box to look like and get it all done in time. I found a place that will print gold but i have no idea if they can get me what i need in time for the due date.I really wish we had more time for this project.

I'm getting three labels made, two in silver and one in gold so i can choose which looks best on the bottle and have one to screw up with. My label wraps all the way around so it's ninety dollars for three tries at this. I better get it right.

This is what i sent to Faron

With the blue tag i made as a literal tag or as a sticker that goes over the top of the bottle - I've seen the sticker over the top of some bottles and really like the way it looks. I'm not sure it would work here.

I think i like the black top bottle better. I think too much metallic coloring isn't really necessary here - and it helps you focus on the type more. What do you think?

There is not a single wooden wine box i could find in Atlanta. I drove every where today. So, I've decided to make a box less dramatic because A. It should not outshine the bottle and B. the one i want to make will be similar enough if not better than what i could have done with the last. I'm using a nice handcrafted paper instead.

Friday, November 16, 2007


i worry about every project we have but i feel nervous about this one...I hope i get a burst of fresh energy and really pop something good out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for me!

Friday, November 9, 2007

For the animated type assignment

This is the film trailer for the movie Sunshine that i will be animating. It's slightly longer than a minute but i can't wait to try this.

This was one of the most visullay stunning movies other than "The Fountain" that I've seen in years. I felt it was important the conversation or dialouge had touced me at one point in a visual sense. There's a lot of movement suggested in the dialouge and effects so maybe I'm giving myself a break this time.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

rough sketches - rocky label

quick info

reason : looks like rocks in the ground surounded by sand, worms, and earth things. Maybe a wild flower grows from this. Maybe it's on the back of the bottle and the wine and bottle are see through.

Maybe it looks better large with no imagery?

color: color forecast plus spanish colors.

design element: The words look off set like a rough screen print.