Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Art School Logos

For ideas about our logo project Stan suggested we look at other Art and Design Colleges to see what logos they've come up with. Below is a link to a wikipedia site that has website links to a lot of schools. (European schools seem to care more about thier website design)

European Colleges of Art and Design

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Self Portrait Completed

This needs some serious editing, specifically within the paragraph part. I'm honestly just lucky i got it in in time.

(The thumbnails at the bottom right are samples of work I did the year before)

My Method

This looks like i just arranged things in my living room and took a photo. If you look closer these objects aren't really realistic - low hanging lamps close together, over-sized kids typwritter, and obvioulsy the plane flying above my head-and so it's a collage made from photos i took at Vintage Century Homes just around the corner of my house. This is a vintage home store i often walk around in the brainstorming period of a project. I get a lot of good ideas for colors, shapes, and atmosphere here. This image of my living room should really represent my creative brain in the playful, magical realism perspective I choose to use for most of my projects.

My Troubles...

So, this project was way harder than it needed to be. All because i couldn't get the white space around the extracted objects (that i used to create my living room) to go away when i placed them in illustrator. I pulled an all nighter just trying to figure this out.

Eventually, Edger at the digital aquarium made two clicks within the photoshop layers pallet to make this work. I felt like a fool having been able to do this task all last year and suddenly i couldn't? Beats me!?

Anyway, I also bought Epson paper (expensive, quality paper) for the first time yet Kinkos can't deal with paper larger than 11 x 17. As design excuses normally unfold, I found this out just thirty minutes before class. Therefore, I had to used thier "over-sized printer" which comes out in scrolls and uses paper that's the equivilant of recycled sketching paper - bad stuff! I want to edit it and re-matt it so it looks the way it should have. Overall, it looks pretty cool to me. I want to take this method further though...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Self Portrait Project

So i have this crazy idea for my self portrait project. Crazy in that I've never attempted to do something as multi-media as this, nor as fine arts as this, since starting design classes. I hope i can pull off what I visualize by the time its due.

My inspiration for this project comes from the art within Panda Bear's new album...

I'm having problems with my software though. Because this will be a collage piece i need to remove a lot of objects from their backgrounds in the photos I've taken. When i remove the background of an image (in photoshop) leaving just the image i want for the collage, I place it in my illustrator file and the white space around the object is still there. I only have trouble with this within my software though. I hope i didn't spend a ton of money on screwed up software. Either way, I'm doing it all by hand now and scanning it in, which hopefully will only make it look better - I hate widows. =-)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Design Conference

Breather: Design Conference 2007
>>Register Here

The site looks really good too!


I'm volunteering at a Design conference being held at Agnes Scott throughout the weekend of August 30-31. The ticket price for students is only 25$ and I highly recommend everyone take advantage of this opportunity. My hopes are that it will be really inspirational and informative, especially for any student just getting started in the design world or looking for a job even.

Joe Paragine, who probably taught you Two Dimensional Design in the prerequisites for Graphic Design at State, and I believe is the head of the fine arts department, is scheduled to speak there. His teaching methods and works have been really inspirational for me, helping me appreciate fine art more than ever. I personally enjoy his installation work and his series of paintings of animals the most. A public display of his installations work can be found on the ceiling of the Hartsfield Airport - a colony of large ants crawling just above the baggage claim. Below is some of his work and a link which offers more images.

Joe Paragine>>More Work